IRDC General Membership/Board Meeting

 September 5, 2018

Meeting called to order by Jennifer at 6:30 PM.

Present:  Dick Boggs, Lee and Marie Fejellanger, Karl Seeger, Mark Higinbotham, Jennifer Higginbotham, Dave Weller, Skip Russell, Jack Scher, Duane Martinson, Scott Morton, Bruce Boyd, Chuck Arnold, Kristi Bennitt, Mary Zeitner, Ryan Martin, Terence Martin, Roldan de Guzman, Gary Halberg, John McDermott, Colin Koehler.

President:  Gama will be joining us by remote on Karl’s computer.

Vice President:  Later on I will discuss the Banquet and nomination s for awards.

Secretary:  The August 1, 2018 meeting minutes were emailed to all interested parties on August 2 and 7 copies were passed out tonight for your review.  No 8 copies, my printer decided to not work so the sign-in sheet is hand written.  Andy asked for our meeting minutes and I have in turn asked for Sovren’s board meeting minutes, so far haven’t see anything but will send out to all interested parties as I have our minutes.  Chuck said he will send them to me for distribution.  Approved

President:  The weather looks good for us and worked on the website, it needs updated.  For our added positions need to be in front of our people at the Ridge and recruit at the event.  All the Pro races went well and it looks like Pro 3 will participate next year.  The events next year may compete with our July race.

Finance:  We are solvent.  Our P&L indicates that we are ahead of last year.  Approved

Eboard:  With regard to the Glen Nixon incident it was originally a 3 race suspension and by Eboard vote the President was given the authority to add to that penalty depending on his conversation with Nixon. As a result of that conversation it was changed to a one year suspension and at the end of that year 6 race probation.  During the past week end Carl Clinton asked if we might be interested in allowing TC to put on an event at the Ridge.  At the present, the 2019 schedule at the Ridge is filled according to Tracy.  Gama had been talking to Tracy and she mention that the late August dates at the Ridge was still possible.  Also they would not be raising the rates and wilingl to work on an early rain date with a reduced rate.  Worker training date?  She is eager to help and partner with us.  The schedule as given out at the last meeting is still good.

Race Chair:  On my checklist I have 3 open areas.  Jim Phoenix was our parking czar and he will not be available and parking is an issue at the Ridge.  Gama offered to have one of his crew cover it. Gama offered to send pictures of the stripping and fire lanes.  The scales will be moved in front of the Go Kart track.  You will recall that we rented out timing equipment to the Alpha club and Linda said that they had issues with the loop working at the Ridge.  We have planned for that with Ryan and will have spare available if we need it.  It is also time to replace the timing loop at Pacific.  (Suggested we talk to Sovren and get them involved.)  Last issue is the Pace car and driver.  Called Mike Olsen and he has said he will do it and use BarbecueforU’s M3.  Will need to look at this again next year.

Tech: Discussion of moving the scales to in front of the Go Kart track. Discussion of the need for 2 pickup trucks for race support and the availability of the Cascade truck.  Skip will explore that after the race week end.

Old Business:  Discussion of the fire lane on the paddock and the stripping and where it is located.

New Business:  Awards Banquet:  Last year’s location is not available for free.  Will have to get another venue and I will need a budget for the new location.  February is the traditional date for the event.

Rule change proposals from Colin: Long explanation of the cultural shift that appears to have happen and the lack of accountability and in talking with other people they agree.   The fact that some people have the ability to buy another car when their car is wrecked and that some have an ongoing appointment with the local body shop to repair their damaged race car.

The first proposal is the 13/13 rule that Sovren uses, first incident results in 13 month probation and then second incident 13 month suspension.   Lot of discussion with regard to the types cars run at Sovren relative to conference race cars and the difference in the two sanctioning race bodies objectives in racing.

Second proposal is a 3 race probation and fine and pay for the damage by the offending driver to the damaged driver’s car.  Long discussion with the end result was a consensus that stronger penalties would help.

Third proposal, if you totally wreck your car you get a three race suspension without regard to fault.  Long discussion of damage due to your own driving and discussion of track re-entry rules.  The end result of the long discussions of the above 3 proposals was to have Colin put together a written rule proposal in the Conference rule change format to submit at the next meeting.

Good of the Order:  Lots of positions to fill, Board, membership, TNT chairmen.  Announced at the Portland race that we were paying $75.00 and mileage, but not that we were now paying $50.00 and mileage.

Motion to Adjourn Approved at 8:15 PM
